Elgar's The Kingdom

7:30pm, Sat, 30 Mar 2019

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Concert
    Start time: 7:30pm
    Venue: The Oratory School - Woodcote
    Description: Elgar's The Kingdom

    In spring 2019 we are breaking with tradition and our concert on 30th March will at The Oratory School in Woodcote.

    Details of the 4 soloists for this concert are below.  Underneath these is a picture of The Oratory Chapel where the concert will be performed.



    Soprano - Lorena Paz Nieto 

    The web site www.lorenapaznieto.com has more details
    Mezzosoprano - Susan Legg 

    The web site http://www.susanlegg.co.uk has more details
    Tenor - Nathan Vale

    The web site https://www.nathanvaletenor.co.uk has more details
    Bass - Johnny Herford

    The web site https://www.bensonchoralsociety.org.uk/dbpage.php?pg=johhnyherford has more details

     The Oratory School Chapel